Ballet Uniform


Welcome to the Ballet Uniform page! All the information and links are below. 

Melody Bear, Nursery, Pre-Primary & Primary Ballet:     

Pale Pink RAD Regulation Leotard with Attached Skirt
Pale Pink Ballet Socks
Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes with Elastics
- Pre-Primary Prop: Pom Poms
- Pre-Primary Prop: Pink Butterfly Wings
- Pre-Primary Prop: A teddy bear of the child's choice
- Pre-Primary Prop: A shaker, bought or made. Simply fill an empty water bottle with dry rice or pasta, and decorate!
Primary Prop: Feather Boa

Grade 1 & 2 Ballet:

- Lavender RAD Regulation Leotard (waist belt included)
Pale Pink Ballet Socks
- Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes with Elastics - Child Sizes / Adult Sizes
Low Heel Character Shoes
GSD Regulation Character Skirt - Made to Order
- Grade 1 Prop: Watering Can & Ribbon on a Stick
- Grade 2 Prop: Purple Floral Garland 
Boys may bring a scarf of their choice, or are welcome to use the garland.
- For exams, Grades 1 & 2 have the option of wearing Satin Ballet Shoes with Elastics

Grades 3, 4 & 5 Ballet:

- Mulberry RAD Regulation Leotard (waist belt included)
- Pale Pink Ballet Tights - Convertible or Footed
If you are a dancer of colour, you are welcome to either wear tights that match your skin tone or pink tights :) Please select from the menu on the listing.
Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes with Elastics
Cuban Heel Character Shoes
GSD Regulation Character Skirt - Made to Order
- Grade 3 Prop: Floral Ribbon Headdress
- Grade 4 Prop: Black Cane & Large Tambourine
- Grade 5 Prop: Black Bowler Hat
- For exams, Grade 3, 4 & 5 are required to wear Satin Ballet Shoes with Ribbons

Grades 6, 7 & 8 Ballet:

- Burgundy RAD Regulation Leotard
- Pale Pink Ballet Tights - Convertible or Footed
If you are a dancer of colour, you are welcome to either wear tights that match your skin tone or pink tights :) Please select from the menu on the listing.
RAD Regulation Habotai Silk Free Movement Scarf (from RAD website)
- Pink Split Sole Canvas Ballet Shoes with Crossed Elastics
- Cuban Heel Character Shoes
- GSD Regulation Character Skirt - Made to Order
- For a portion of these exams, Grades 6, 7 & 8 are required to wear a matching chiffon burgundy skirt, which will be loaned by the school.

Pre-Vocational and Intermediate Foundation Ballet:

- Navy RAD Regulation Leotard
- Pale Pink Ballet Tights - Convertible or Footed
If you are a dancer of colour, you are welcome to either wear tights that match your skin tone or pink tights :) Please select from the menu on the listing.
Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes with Elastics
For Inter Foundation exams, students are required to wear Satin Ballet Shoes with Ribbons

Intermediate Ballet & Inter Foundation Exam Only:

- Black RAD Regulation Leotard - Cap Sleeve or Strap
- Pale Pink Ballet Tights - Convertible or Footed
If you are a dancer of colour, you are welcome to either wear tights that match your skin tone or pink tights :) Please select from the menu on the listing.
- For below Grade 6, Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes with Elastics
For Grade 6 and above, Pink Split Sole Canvas Ballet Shoes with Crossed Elastics
- Pointe shoes, once invited and professionally fitted

Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Ballet:

Black RAD Regulation Leotard - Cap Sleeve or Strap
Pale Pink Ballet Tights - Convertible or Footed
If you are a dancer of colour, you are welcome to either wear tights that match your skin tone or pink tights :) Please select from the menu on the listing.
Pink Split Sole Canvas Ballet Shoes with Crossed Elastics
Pointe Shoes, once invited and professionally fitted